Image collection and Annotation to train OCR model

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Project Details

We are seeking passionate and creative freelance photographers who can source images in different backgrounds. No prior experience is required as comprehensive training will be provided before the project begins. Or, if you know someone who might be interested in this opportunity, please feel free to share this job post with them. We greatly appreciate any referrals or recommendations. Let’s help connect talented individuals with rewarding remote opportunities!

The Task: You need to source images (printed, handwritten, or on-screen) from different environments such as a gym, office, hair studio, garage, or bedroom. We will share the specifications with you, and you will have to source the images accordingly.


You can source images in the following languages:

  • English
  • Farsi
  • Russian
  • Arabic
  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Tajik
  • French
  • Turkish
  • Somali
  • Polish
  • Pashto
  • Urdu
  • Dari
  • Azerbaijan
  • Kurdish
  • Czech


  • You need to click the picture.
  • Specification will be provided by us.
  • Collaborate with our team to address any questions or concerns.


  • iPhone 12 or above
  • Samsung S23 or above
  • Comfortable working remotely and managing your schedule.

Eligible Criteria

  • Able to source with the provided timeline.
  • Age requirement: Participants must be 18 years or older.

Please fill the details below & we’ll be in touch

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